Fixing Adobe Premiere Pro won’t recognize OpenCL in AMD GPUs using Registry editor on Windows Machine

After I updated my Sapphire Pulse RX 580 8G driver to 18.11.12. Many Adobe software like Premiere and Media Encoder stop recognizing the OpenCL capability.

I have spent 4 hours going from rolling back Radeon driver to the previous version to uninstalling the whole array of Adobe software, nothing could help.

Being an AMD card in Post-production environment, it was clearly not very popular. There was not many support thread around and I need to edit a project ASAP and I just can’t do it with Mercury software renderer.

Then an in one forum post, the user was having the same issue albeit with Intel iGPUs interfering with his OpenCL. I skipped that fix several times in my search but then until at hour 4 I said ‘why not?’

And guess what? It worked!


Here’s the instruction thanks to this post which was meant for rig with integrated GPU but it works for us, too:

  1. Hit Windows key and type regedit
  2. Go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenCL\Vendors
  3. Double click on your amdocl64.dll and change the value from 0 to 1 and hit OK
  4. Restart just to be safe.


Now your programs should start utilizing OpenCL GPU acceleration, I launched a current project and the render time moved from 40 mins to 4 mins! and all the red bars turned yellow!

It worked!


Felt like the upgrading process messed up amdocl64.dll file… I have to double check with my regedit backup to make sure what’s the value before the upgrade but for now this is working.

I hope this help anyone with this issue. I don’t know where to put this so it’s going to my business website.